Pure. Raw. Emotion.
This reinvigorated my motivation for doing what I do. Whatever your motivation, I hope this drives you to dig deeper and connect what you do with who you are and why you exist.
The Expert
If you are involved in product development, marketing, sales or just about any kind of “solutioning” then you will appreciate the following video:
Now…some of you know without a shadow of a doubt which one you are: the salesman, the project manager, the engineer, the “clueless” client or the “clueless” client’s sidekick. But for many, it might be more difficult to pinpoint yourself in this video. I’m probably kidding myself but I think I’m a bit of all of them. But just the good parts! You know. The realistic project manager, who drives progress, isn’t afraid to say “No” and can also sell here and there. Yeah, I must be kidding myself!!
Dream. Dare. Go!
All I can say is…wow! Stunning footage. Much more interesting concept. One to which I can definitely relate.
Starting a business doesn’t seem as daring, risky or fun as extreme skiing and you might be able to convince me that it is not. But jumping off the beaten path and creating any new venture comes with significant challenges and risks. It is daunting to realize that other people are depending on you…and you are depending on them. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely road, particularly when those around you don’t agree with your choices. I’m talking about former co-workers, former heads of previous employers and even some family members.
Fortunately, my wife is incredibly supportive. She has been simply amazing during this startup period during which I’ve worked late nights and early mornings, traveled much more than we anticipated and when money has been much tighter than we hoped.
Without her support, I’d probably still be stuck in a dream.